Generate high volumes of planograms with automated generator to meet demand fast

When it comes to generating planograms, suppliers and retailers struggle with quantity versus quality. Generic planograms can be produced quickly, but they fall short of catering to local consumer needs. Localized planograms improve customer-centricity, but the resources assigned to create localized planograms can easily become overwhelmed, leading to strategic failure and dissatisfied consumers.

Streamlined planogram process

Planogram Preparation

Streamline the overall planogram production process. During this phase, users determine the full scope of their projects, identify their key plans and build their planogram “to-do” list.

Planogram generation

Planogram Generator takes the lead, producing a vast number of store-specific planograms in a flash.

Planogram administration

Users can approve or reject the developed planograms in the Category Knowledge Base. Approved planograms are live and forwarded for store implementation.

Working smarter, not harder

By automatically generating planograms based on user-defined information, Planogram Generator enables you to focus less on time-consuming planogram production and focus more on category analysis and market trends.

Leveraging proven technology

Users appreciate Planogram Generator’s easy-to-use graphical user interface. The solution also tracks and documents each stage of a planogram’s development, enabling you to more efficiently focus on areas that may require adjustments.

Key Benefits

Automates the production of large volumes of planograms to scale to localization strategies

Empowers planners to formalize and automate the trade off between space, assortment, capacity and product location

Shifts focus of resources to optimization of planograms rather than building